International Sword Press & Dance Lessons

We’re all over the map this week, but we have selected a ‘dominant theme’ for this slightly lengthy effort! Respects, Wes   Romantic Sword   BIRMINGHAM WEEKLY (Alabama) 13 October 11 Garden Variety Gallantry We often read of European knights swearing oaths on their hilts – the sword representing the very best of honour and…

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Start Something New!

"What then is chivalry? So strong a thing, and of such hardihood, and so costly in the learning, that a wicked man or low dare not undertake it... Whoso would enjoy high honor first must suitably display that he has been well-schooled in such arts..." - The Biography of Sir William Marshall Intro to the…

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Guest Instructor: Sean Hayes!

Hello folks,  Exciting news today! We have what a special guest instructor from the WMA community coming to town.  Sean Hayes is Maestro D'Armi of the Northwest Fencing Academy in Eugene, OR. Maestro Hayes' school focuses on Armizare, the martial art practiced by Italy's knightly class and draws his teaching from the Fiore de' Liberi…

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A Fistful of International Sword Press

We offer an eclectic mixture for this round and though not all of them are useful in our ‘studies’ – hopefully, they will appeal to your ‘interests’. Respects all, Wes   In Memory   THE PROVINCE (Vancouver, British Columbia) 13 November 11 Surrey Sikhs offer sword to military Sikhs of the Surrey Dasmesh Darbar Gurudwara…

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Buying a Rapier

So, now you've got your green cord and you're getting tired of wrestling for the loaner rapiers: it's time to think about getting your own sword. The Academie Duello store has a variety of entry-level rapiers, falling into two categories.The CAS Hanwei practical rapier is available in two lengths, 37" blade or 43". This is…

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Digging Up More Press about Swords

Old techology, current technology and maybe future technology – the swords of our past will figure prominently in our future.   Lots of Digging to Do   HARBURGER ZEITUNG (Germany) 07 November 11 Mit Schild, Schwert und Lanze (Carsten Weede)   With Shield, Sword and Lance: An archelogical dig is exploiting a Saxon burial site…

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The ballad of (T)Roland

Easy post to write today...  I'm simply linking to Roland's notes on practice from his blog, Terminal City Duellist.  I'll keep my commentary out; Roland's put in a lot of thought to this and writes it out very well.  I will re-mention something that bares repeating. Freeplay, while an opportunity to let loose (it is freeplay), is…

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Bring sword fighting into your workplace for 20% off!

  Greetings members and friends of Academie Duello!   For a limited time we are offering 20% off our corporate programs to companies referred to us by Academie Duello members and friends -- so if you've read this blog post consider yourself invited to take advantage. We have a great diversity of corporate programs including…

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Academie Duello featured on Cheapass Romance and @CheapD8Van

Rolando Fuentes Ruiz of Vancouver's Cheapass Romance blog came by Academie Duello the other day to explore our free intro class as a potential destination to recommend for an economic tryst. It looks like he and his date, the self-styled Hopelessly Romantic Girl, had a great time.  Go check out the post on their blog…

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Game 7 Sword Safety

For those of you that haven't noticed, tonight is game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals, and downtown is going crazy. All of our evening classes are still on as normal, however, but if you are coming downtown please keep in mind the following: DO NOT bring your own weapons to class tonight! BORROW the…

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A Fighting ‘faux pas’ or a Fencing Fashion? News from the world of Western Martial Arts

Things were quiet of late, but there should be at least one following that can provide water cooler talk between bouts. A Press Gang in Polite Action   BBC (London, UK) 09 June 11  Shoppers cross swords with Olympic hopefuls A short news-time video on the efforts of two of Britain’s fencing team to increase…

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Targeting Families

"Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana." - Groucho Marx Family Archery Workshop Sunday, June 19, 2011 10am-2pm Archery has been a family business since ancient times. From Cyrus the Great of Persia teaching his son and heir Cambyses to 'draw a mighty bow' to Henry the VII teaching a young Henry…

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