Flying Changes Ahead: What's New for 2019 in the Mounted Combat Program

Happy New Year!

There are big changes in the Mounted Combat program this year.  Perhaps the most significant is that the program is moving from being a direct part of the Vancouver school, and to becoming a separate satellite school situated at Cornwall Ridge Farm. This won't have a huge affect on the classes themselves, but it may change how you pay for courses. In the short term, however the January start date classes are still available on Academie Duello's workshop page for sign up:

Cornwall Ridge Memberships

The Mounted Combat membership structure has also changed to a monthly fee to integrate with Cornwall Ridge Memberships. There are two types of memberships, Basic and Elite.  Basic offers the same benefits as the previous membership but with increased flexibility.  Instead of set days for practice rides, members can book their two rides for any time that suits them, subject to horse availability.  For horse owners, the Basic membership allows one free haul-in per week (regular haul-in fees at Cornwall Ridge are $20 per time), with access to our indoor and outdoor arenas, round pen, jumps and warm water wash stall.

Basic Membership 75.00/month

  • two practice rides per month on school horses OR 1 free haul-in per week
  • twice monthly Mounted Combat Practice (1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, 7-9pm)
  • 10% discount on program courses at Cornwall Ridge

The Elite membership gives you a part lease of one of our school horses for one ride per week, or unlimited haul-ins for members with their own horses.  As well you get on private 45 min lesson each month with one of our in-house coaches, and a $15 discount on additional lessons.

Elite Membership 150.00/month

  • weekly horse lease OR unlimited haul-ins
  • one private 45-minute lesson per month
  • $15 discount on additional private lessons
  • Mounted Combat Practice
  • 10% discount on program courses at Cornwall Ridge

You can also pre-pay for six or twelve months.  Basic memberships are $400 for six months and $700 for a year; Elite rates are $800 and $1200 respectively.

This season's classes

Intro to Mounted Combat

Experience the childhood fantasy of being a knight as you take the first step in Academie Duello’s mounted combat program. This unique workshop brings together swordplay, riding, and horsemanship into an exciting session geared toward beginners. First you will learn the basics of mediaeval longsword, including movement, core attacks, and defenses. In the remainder of the workshop you will get an introduction to riding, and be able to apply mounted combat techniques from the saddle. Beginning riders are provided one on one attention during the riding portion. Riders with previous experience will have the opportunity to ride independently and practise more advanced drills. This program is an ideal way to introduce yourself to both equestrian and swordplay skills and get started on a deep and exciting track of learning. Upon completion of the workshop you will qualify to join us for further in-depth classes in Riding, Horsemanship, and Swordplay. Spots are very limited so sign up today! Max workshop size: 8 people

Sunday 13 January
10am – noon
cost $199 + gst
Instructor: Jennifer Landels

Mounted Combat Mastery

Ongoing Mounted Combat classes for those with their Green Spur or higher.  Second and fourth Sunday of each month.

Sundays 13 Jan, 27 Jan
noon – 3pm
cost $75 or three tuition credits

Image may contain: one or more people and outdoor

Mounted Archery Clinic 

We are hosting FVMC's Mounted Archery Clinic on Saturday 19 January.  The morning session is an Intro class and the afternoon is for returning students.  The clinic is intended for experienced riders, and riders are encouraged to bring their own horses and equipment if possible.  Some loaner equipment and school horses are available for an extra charge.

Saturday 19 January
Intro: 10am - 1pm, $165 + gst
Intermediate: 2pm - 5pm, $100 +gst
Instructor: Stephanie Laversin
To register: email Stephanie at  stephanie [at]


Archery Practice

Monthly practice for those students who have taken Horseback Archery and have a minimum of Riding Level 1. Bring your own bow and arrows.  Some loaner equipment is available for rent.

Sunday 20 Jan
3pm – 5pm
cost: $20 + $20 for horse use or haul-in

Riding Level 3+, flat

A six-class series for riders working on Level 3 or higher with an emphasis on flat-work and lower level dressage. Some ground poles and cavaletti may be included.

Sundays 20 Jan – 24 Feb
10am – 11am
cost: $275 for six classes
single classes: $55 each if space available
Instructor: Isabel Landels

Riding & Horsemanship Level 2

This six-class course is designed to help the riders achieve Horsemanship and Riding Level 2.  Prerequisite: Riding & Horsemanship Level 1.

Sundays 20 Jan – 24 Feb
10am – 11am
Cost: $375 (6 classes)
Individual classes (space permitting): $75 each
Instructor: Isabel Landels

Beginner Riding & Horsemanship

This six-class course is designed to help the beginning rider achieve Horsemanship and Riding Level 1

Sundays 20 Jan – 24 Feb
11am – noon
Cost: $375 (6 classes)
Individual classes (space permitting): $75 each
Instructor: Eleanor Landels

Mounted Combat Fundamentals

A series of six classes on the ground to teach the fundamentals of single- and two-handed longsword from the ground, prior to beginning swordplay on horseback.

Sundays 20 Jan – 24 Feb
1:30 – 3:00pm
Cost: $165 (6 classes)
Individual classes (space permitting): $75 each
Instructor: Dave Wayne

Mounted Combat Arts Intensive

Our next Intensive has been scheduled for April.  Sign up now to save your spot in this five-day, 50 hour week of riding, horsemanship and swordplay.

Monday – Friday, 2-12 April
9am – 7pm
cost: $1045 full day
$895 half day
Instructors: Jennifer Landels, Devon Boorman, et al


Here's to a happy, horsey, 2019!

Jennifer Landels heads up Academie Duello's Cavaliere Program. She has been swordfighting since 2008, and riding since before she could walk. She started the program as an excuse to combine those passions.
Read more from Jennifer Landels.