A Horse in Hand is Worth Two in the Field: catching & haltering

The second item on the Horsemanship Level 1 checklist is: 2. Enter, approach and safely halter horse in stall or paddock There are a myriad of videos out there, but really, you can't do it much better than this little girl: (Just watch to about 1:35 -- it gets a bit chaotic when her sister…

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Forteza Fitness in Chicago is doing some cool stuff!

My friends Greg Mele and Keith Jennings as well as associated others, including Tony Wolf, have setup a new salle of swordsmanship, Bartitsu and much more in Chicago. The centre is called Forteza Fitness and it is the new home of the Chicago Swordplay Guild and the Bartitsu Club of Chicago. They recently got some…

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Thursday Drilling Recap: Rapier Collection Drills

Every Thursday I get together with a few of my senior students and we work on drills, sparring exercises, and body mechanics.  Generally I have us stick to fairly fundamental exercises.   I personally just love working on fundamentals and have found that this is always where the greatest opportunity for improvement lies, no matter…

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Boxing a Kangaroo (bad idea)

We all have fond memories of this: And recently on Bartitsu.org, Tony Wolf reprinted an article from 1893 entitled "The Kangaroo as Prize Fighter" which discusses the change from the Kangaroo's natural defenses into a human-like stance. It looks like this (not pretty): I think the appaling part of the 1893 article is the closing:…

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Fantasy and Practical Stage Armour

Armour serves two purposes, as does most clothing: protection and fashion. On stage and in film, if you can see the armour, it's for fashion, and if you can't, then it's for protection. The Illusion of Practicality From the blindingly reflective plate on Zeus to the leather scraps on orcs, armour should match the character…

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Stage Combat Priorities 2: Style and Expertise

The overall goal of stage combat, as we discussed in episode 0: The Illusion of Violence, is creating a violent scene that is safe for the actor and believable to the audience in the context of the show. Last time, we broke down some of the ways in which our first priority, Safety, plays out…

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Duelling Fun at the Grey Cup Parade

A crew of twelve braved the wet November weather this morning to duel through the streets of Vancouver in the Grey Cup Parade. In the gallery you can see a couple pre-parade shots. One in gleeful anticipation, the other a view of everyone crowding together for warmth under a shop awning.   The parade was…

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War Horse

I don't think I'll be going to see the movie "War Horse".  Not because I tend to find most Spielberg movies a bit too treacly, and not because most horse movies make me yell at the screen (why do movie makers think we won't notice when they swap a 16 hand bay for a chestnut…

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Test your knowledge

The UK Pony Club has just launched a new 'Pony Prep' website: http://www.ponyprep.org/training.php While it is quite obviously aimed at the younger set, it nonetheless has some good instructional videos and simple quizzes you can take to test your knowledge: especially useful for those assessing Horsemanship level 1 on the 27th.  You don't need to…

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Bring sword fighting into your workplace for 20% off!

  Greetings members and friends of Academie Duello!   For a limited time we are offering 20% off our corporate programs to companies referred to us by Academie Duello members and friends -- so if you've read this blog post consider yourself invited to take advantage. We have a great diversity of corporate programs including…

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Are you game?

Excellence takes many forms in the equestrian world.  There is the elegance of dressage, the precision of jumping, the savvy of a good cow-horse and the bravery of an eventer.  But for breathtaking 'wow' factor it's hard to beat the excitement of Mounted Games and the amazing athleticism of the riders and ponies who play…

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